Sarah Brown “Sally” Montagne

Title: Member
Company: Rotary Club of Tucson
Location: Oro Valley, Arizona, United State

Sarah Brown “Sally” Montagne, member at the Rotary Club of Tucson, has been recognized by Marquis Who’s Who Top Lawyers for dedication, achievements, and leadership in community activism.

With 55 years of experience to her credit, Ms. Montagne has excelled at Rotary District 550 as chair of the Rotary Foundation Grants Committee from 2006 to 2013, district governor from 2014 to 2015, and global grants chair of the Rotary Foundation Committee from 2016 to 2018. She began her career serving on the support staff for several high-level government officials including United States Senators Estes Kefauver and Vance Hartke and then presidential nominee John F. Kennedy. Among her various postings, she garnered a stellar reputation as an adjunct professor of criminal law at the graduate school of George Washington University, director of the Washington Council of Lawyers, senior felony staff attorney in the public defender service office of Washington, and as an attorney.

Before embarking on her professional path, Ms. Montagne pursued an education at Vassar College where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in 1958. She completed her academic efforts at Georgetown University, graduating with a Juris Doctorate in 1963. She holds a certification as a ski instructor from the Professional Ski Instructors of America.

In addition to her primary vocation, Ms. Montagne remains affiliated with various organizations in relation to her areas of expertise. She provided pro bono services and international grant work as a member of the Rotary Club of Tuscon, and donated to the Tucson Museum of Art. She was a member of ten professional organizations including the Women’s Legal Defense Fund, the Montgomery County Bar Association, the American Bar Association, and the criminal justice committees of the Washington Council of Lawyers and the National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys.

In light of her impressive undertakings, Ms. Montagne has accrued several accolades throughout her career. She was selected for inclusion in editions of Who’s Who in American Law and Who’s Who of American Women. She was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Defender Service from the District of Columbia and received the Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious in 2012.

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